Machine Learning Notes - Loss functions
Loss Introduction ¶
Given an input $X$ and a model parameterized by $\theta$, we would like to minimize a loss function $L(X; \theta)$ by adjusting model parameter $\theta$. The optimization can usually be done using gradient decent, Guassian Netwon, etc.
Mean Square Loss ¶
Let's start with a very simple linear regression problem. In order to visualize the loss vs parameter in a 2D plot, we parameterize the line as $y = ax$.
$$ L = \sum_{i}(\hat{y}_i - y_i)^2 $$where, $\hat{y}$ is the predicted value and $y$ is the ground truth.
# Simple Linear Regression
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import torch
a = 1
x = np.linspace(-3, 3, 100)
y = a * x
y_hat = y + np.random.normal(0, 0.1, x.shape)
a_hat = np.linspace(-1, 3, 1000)
losses = [np.sum((t*x-y_hat)**2)/x.shape[0] for t in a_hat]
loss_func = torch.nn.MSELoss()
pytorch_losses = [loss_func(torch.tensor([t*x]), torch.tensor([y_hat])).item() for t in a_hat]
a_best = a_hat[np.argmin(losses)]
print(f'Best $a$ with least loss is {a_best:.2f}')
fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(
nrows=2, ncols=1, figsize=(6,6), dpi=100)
ax1.plot(x, y, '-b', label='ground truth line y = x')
ax1.plot(x, a_best*x, '-g', label=f'predicted line y = {a_best:.2f}x')
ax1.plot(x, y_hat, 'r.', label='noisy observations')
ax2.plot(a_hat, losses, '-g', label='loss function')
ax2.plot(a_hat, pytorch_losses, '-b', label='pytorch loss function')
ax2.set_ylabel('squared sum loss')
ax2.set_xlabel('slope a')
Hinge Loss ¶
For classification, we want the predicted score with the correct class label as large as possible. Hinge Loss is shown below. $s_c$ is the loss of the correct class and $s_i$ is a loss of an incorrect class. $$ L = \sum_{i}{\max(0, s_i - s_c + 1)} $$
# Hinge Loss
import numpy as np
W = np.random.rand(4, 3)
X = np.random.rand(4)
y = 1
score = np.matmul(X, W)
print(f'The correct label is {y}')
print(f'\n class 0 score: {score[0]:.2f}\n class 1 score: {score[1]:.2f}\n class 2 score: {score[2]:.2f}')
loss = np.sum([s-score[y]+1 if i != y else 0 for i, s in enumerate(score)])
expected = np.max([score[0] - score[y] + 1, 0] + np.max([score[2] - score[y] + 1, 0]))
assert(loss == expected)
print(f'\nHinge loss is {loss:.4f}')
# Hinge loss in Pytorch
import torch
loss_func = torch.nn.MultiLabelMarginLoss(reduction='none')
x = torch.from_numpy(score)
# for target y, only consider labels 3 and 0, not after label -1
target = torch.LongTensor([1,-1,-1])
output = loss_func(x, target)
print(f'\nPytorch Hinge loss is {output * x.shape[0]:.4f}')
Cross Entropy Loss ¶
Another common loss function used for classification is Cross Entropy loss. The cross-entropy of the distribution $q$ relative to a distribution $p$ over a given set is defined as: $$ H(p,q) = -E_p[log(q)] $$
KL divergence is defined as $KL(p || q) = H(p,q) - H(p)$, also know as relative entropy of true distribution of $p$ with respect to predicted distribution $q$.
For discrete distribution, $$ H(p, q) = -\sum_{x}p(x)log(q(x)) \\ H(p) = -\sum_{x}p(x)log(p(x)) \\ KL(p, q) = -\sum_{x}p(x)log(\frac{q(x)}{p(x)}) $$
We can use Softmax function to convert output score into a distribution: $$ q_k = \frac{e^{s_k}}{\sum_i{e^{s_i}}} $$
Then if the loss function can be $$ L = \sum_i{-log(q_{ic})} $$ where $q_{ic}$ is the probability of the correct class for sample $i$.
# Cross Entropy Loss
import numpy as np
W = np.random.rand(4, 3)
X = np.random.rand(4)
y = 1
score = np.matmul(X, W)
print(f'The correct label is {y}')
print(f'\n class 0 score: {score[0]:.2f}\n class 1 score: {score[1]:.2f}\n class 2 score: {score[2]:.2f}')
exp_s = np.exp(score)
p = exp_s / np.sum(exp_s)
print(f'\n class 0 p: {p[0]:.2f}\n class 1 p: {p[1]:.2f}\n class 2 p: {p[2]:.2f}')
loss = -np.log(p[y])
print(f'\nCross entropy loss is {loss:.4f}')
# Cross Entropy Loss in Pytorch
import torch
loss_func = torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss()
x = torch.from_numpy(score).view(1, 3)
target = torch.tensor([y])
output = loss_func(x, target)
print(f'\nPytorch Cross entropy loss is {output.item():.4f}')