Autonomous Robots - Probability


robot – Delivery Robots

We have a delivery robot moving in one dimensional space. At $t = 0$, the robot is at $x^{t=0} = 0$, i.e. $p(x^0 = 0) = 1$. We can command robot to move forward a step at a time. However, it is possible that the robot stays at the same cell ($p(stay) = 0.1$), or steps into the next cell ($p(next) = 0.8$), or steps into the next next cell ($p(next_next) = 0.1$).

Pop Quiz: How likely the robot is in $x^{t=2} = 2$ at $t=2$, i.e. what is $p(x^{t=2}=2)$?

delivery robot

attention $p(x^{t=1}=1) = 0.8$ and $p(x^{t=2}=2) = 0.66$. The robot gets more and more uncertain about its location as it moves.

We calculate $p(x^{t=2}=2)$ using the equation below. It uses Marginalization, Conditioning, etc. Though we will get into these into details in this post, I would like to show you an alternative way so called particle filtering or Monte Carlo Simulation.

\[\sum_{x^{t=0}=0}{\sum_{x^{t=1}=0,1,2}{p(x^{t=0}, x^{t=1}, x^{t=2}=2)}}\]

delivery robot

Suppose we have $100$ robots sitting at $x^{t=0} = 0$, then if when they all move forward one step, we will have $10$ robots stay at $x^{t=1}=0$, i.e. $N(x^{t=1}=0)=10$. Similarly, we can get $N(x^{t=1}=1)=80$ and $N(x^{t=1}=2)=10$. Then if all robots move one step forward again. $64$ robots out of $N(x^{t=1}=1)=80$ will be at $x^{t=2}=2$, $1$ robot out of $N(x^{t=1}=0)=10$ will be at $x^{t=2}=2$, and $1$ robot out of $N(x^{t=1}=2)=10$ will be at $x^{t=2}=2$. So total number of robots at $N(x^{t=2})=64+1+1=66$, and we have $p(x^{t=2}=2) = 0.66$.

delivery robot

Apparently, we can’t really rely on control commands to send robot to a target location because robots get more and more uncertain about its position. The solution is adding a sensor to the robot to sense the cell color.

Pop Quiz: If the sensor only detects the color correctly 80% time, and mis-detects the color as the other two 10% time respectively. How can we update the robot location distribution based on observations? For example, if at $t=2$, the robot observes cell color as blue, then what is $p(x^{t=2}=2)$ and $p(x^{t=2}=3)$?

Discrete Probability Distributions

robot – Probability Rules

  • $\sum_i{P(i)} = 1$

  • $0 \leq P(i) \leq 1$

  • $E[X] = \sum_x{xp(x)}$

  • $COV[X, Y] = E[(X-E[X])(Y-E[Y])]$

robot – Marginalization and Conditioning

  • $P(Y) = \sum_i{P(X=x_i,Y)}$
  • $P(X|Y=y_i)$

Pop Quiz: We have a joint probability distribution that encodes the relation between vehicles turning right and turning on right-turn signal at an intersection shown below. How likely a car will go straight (marginalization)? How likely a car will turn on the turn signal if it turns right (conditioning)?

\[P(turn-right,\ on) = 0.2\]
\[P(turn-right,\ off) = 0.2\]
\[P(go-straight,\ on) = 0.01\]
\[P(go-straight,\ off) = 0.59\]

Continuous Probability Distributions

robot – Probability Rules

  • $\int{p(x)}dx = 1$

  • $0 \leq p(x)$

  • $E[X] = \int{xp(x)}dx$

  • $COV[X, Y] = E[(X-E[X])(Y-E[Y])]$

robot – Marginalization and Conditioning

  • $P(Y) = \int{P(X,Y)}dX$
  • $P(X|Y=y_i)$

Bayes Theorem

robot – Basic Rule

\[P(X|Y) = \frac{P(Y|X)P(X)}{P(Y)}\]

robot – Joint Probability

\[P(X_1, \cdots, X_n) = P(X_1)P(X_2|X_1)P(X_3|X_2,X_1) \cdots P(X_n|X_{n-1}, X_{n-2},\cdots,X_1)\]

robot – First Order Markov Chain

\[P(X_1, \cdots, X_n) = P(X_1)P(X_2|X_1)P(X_3|X_2) \cdots P(X_n|X_{n-1})\]

attention The delivery robot example is using first-order markov chain and marginalization:

\[P(x^{t=T}) = \sum_{x^{t=0},\cdots, x^{t=T-1}}{P(x^{t=0}, \cdots, x^{t=T})} = P(x^{t=0})P(x^{t=2}|x^{t=0}) \cdots\]

robot – Recursive Bayesian Estimation

\[p(x_k | u_0, \cdots, u_k, z_0, \cdots, z_k) = \frac{p(z_k , x_k | u_0, \cdots, u_k, z_0, \cdots, z_{k-1})}{p(z_k|u_0, \cdots, u_k, z_0, \cdots, z_{k-1})} \\ = \frac{p(z_k | x_k, u_0, \cdots, u_k, z_0, \cdots, z_{k-1}) \int{p(x_k, x_{k-1}| u_0, \cdots, u_k, z_0, \cdots, z_{k-1})}dx_{x-1}}{p(z_k|u_0, \cdots, u_k, z_0, \cdots, z_{k-1})} \\ = \frac{p(z_k | x_k) \int{p(x_k | x_{k-1}, u_0, \cdots, u_k, z_0, \cdots, z_{k-1})p(x_{k-1}| u_0, \cdots, u_k, z_0, \cdots, z_{k-1})}dx_{x-1}}{p(z_k|u_0, \cdots, u_k, z_0, \cdots, z_{k-1})} \\ = \frac{p(z_k | x_k) \int{p(x_k | x_{k-1}, u_k) p(x_{k-1}| u_0, \cdots, u_{k-1}, z_0, \cdots, z_{k-1})}dx_{x-1}}{p(z_k|u_0, \cdots, u_k, z_0, \cdots, z_{k-1})}\]

attention $Bel(x_k) = p(x_k | u_0, \cdots, u_k, z_0, \cdots, z_k)$

\[Bel(x_k) \propto p(z_k | x_k) \int{p(x_k | x_{k-1}, u_k) Bel(x_{k-1})}dx_{k-1}\]
\[Bel(x_k) \propto p(z_k | x_k) \sum_{x_{k-1}}{p(x_k | x_{k-1}, u_k) Bel(x_{k-1})}\]

Gaussian Distribution

The delivery robot example is actually using so called histogram filtering and particle filtering. As you can see, probability update of histogram filtering is very tedious. It would be nice to have a more compact way to represent the distribution, and a easier way to update the distribution. In this section, we will discuss about Gaussian Distribution.

robot – Formula

  • 1-Dimensional
    \[P(x) = \frac{e^{-\frac{1}{2}(x-\mu)^2}}{\sqrt{(2\pi)}\sigma}\]
  • N-Dimensional
    \[P(\textbf{x} \in \mathbb{R}^N) = \frac{e^{-\frac{1}{2}(\textbf{x}-\mu)^T\Sigma^{-1}(\textbf{x}-\mu)}}{\sqrt{((2\pi)^k\|\Sigma\|}}\]
  • $E[X] = \mu$

  • $COV[X,X] = \Sigma$

robot – Marginalization

\[p(\alpha, \beta) \sim \mathcal{N}(\begin{bmatrix}\mu_{\alpha} \\ \mu_{\beta}\end{bmatrix}, \begin{bmatrix}\Sigma_{\alpha \alpha}, \Sigma_{\alpha \beta} \\ \Sigma_{\beta \alpha}, \Sigma_{\beta \beta} \end{bmatrix})\] \[p(\alpha) = \int{p(\alpha, \beta)}d\beta \ \sim \mathcal{N}(\mu_{\alpha}, \Sigma_{\alpha \alpha})\]

robot – Conditioning

\[p(\alpha, \beta) \sim \mathcal{N}(\begin{bmatrix}\mu_{\alpha} \\ \mu_{\beta}\end{bmatrix}, \begin{bmatrix}\Sigma_{\alpha \alpha}, \ \Sigma_{\alpha \beta} \\ \Sigma_{\beta \alpha}, \Sigma_{\beta \beta} \end{bmatrix})\] \[p(\alpha|\beta) = \frac{p(\alpha, \beta)}{p(\beta)} \ \sim \mathcal{N}(\mu_{\alpha} + \Sigma_{\alpha \beta}\Sigma_{\beta \beta}^{-1}(\beta - \mu_{\beta}),\ \Sigma_{\alpha \alpha} - \Sigma_{\alpha\beta}\Sigma_{\beta\beta}^{-1}\Sigma_{\beta\alpha})\]

robot – Covariance Projection

attention Suppose we have $\textbf{x} \sim \mathcal{N}(\mu_{x}, \Sigma_{xx})$ and $\textbf{y} = A\textbf{x} + \textbf{b}$, then

\[\textbf{x} \sim \mathcal{N}(A\mu_{x}+\textbf{b}, A\Sigma_{xx}A^T)\]

The figure below shows the covariance projection of a 1-D Gaussian. To learn more about proofs, check this delivery robot.

Pop Quiz: If you can sample from a normal distribution $\textbf{x} \sim \mathcal{N}(\mu_{0}, I)$, how do you get samples from a Gaussian distribution $\textbf{x} \sim \mathcal{N}(\mu_{x}, \Sigma_{xx})$ ?

robot – Information Form

\(\textbf{x} \sim \mathcal{N}^{-1}(\eta, \Lambda)\) where $\eta = \Sigma^{-1}\mu$, $\Lambda = \Sigma^{-1}$

To learn more about marginalization and conditioning of information form, check this post.

Written on February 5, 2021